Stephenie Brinkley
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates


60 minutes: $85.00
90 minutes: $110.00
30 minutes: $60

Therapeutic massage is an age-old remedy and health practice.  It is found in all major civilizations, past and present.  From the ancient Greeks and Romans, to the modern day health facilities, massage has been recognized for its health-enhancing effects.  The healing systems of many cultures, including our own, use hands-on therapy to soothe aches and pains and facilitate the body's own healing powers.

From infancy to old age, massage has been found to enhance general health and well-being.  Therapeutic massage has many applications and variations.  Because it is used for health promotion, as well as for its curative aspect, it can truthfully be said, "if you have a body, you can benefit from therapeutic massage."

At Kneaded Touch Therapy, we would be happy to provide an important component to your health maintenance and wellness path.  Call for an appointment today!

Stone Therapy

60 minutes: $120.00

Stone Therapy is a type of bodywork that uses deep penetrating heat from specialized stones.  The physiological benefits of hot stones have long been scientifically and medically proven.

Stone Therapy delivers a profound expansion and contraction inside your circulatory system, improving the function of your lymphatic and immune systems, and enhancing your body's self-healing mechanisms.  This style of bodywork takes you into deep states of relaxation, releasing stress and anxiety, detoxifying the body, and balancing your nervous system.


Are you looking for a way to lose belly fat?  What about a way to jumpstart your weight loss journey, or enhance your walking, and exercise routine?


Introducing PHYSIQ, the next level in attaining ideal body contouring.

PHYSIQ is the latest, most advanced body treatment technology from leading Italian laser manufacturer, DEKA.  PHYSIQ delivers heat and energy to the targeted area for optimal results with no downtime.

Kneaded Touch Therapy has taken thoughtful time and consideration to uncover the ideal body treatment to confidently offer our clients.  PHYSIQ has delivered that confidence, and we are excited to share it with you!

Kneaded Touch Therapy invites you to visit our office for a comprehensive consultation, so we may understand your exact goals and outline a complete treatment plan for key areas, and associated sessions, to achieve your desired results.

Post Surgery Recovery Massage

Have you had a Mommy Make-over, Liposuction, 360, or Brazilian Butt Lift?  Massage therapy is crucial for recovery after these surgeries.

The lymphatic channels are disrupted during surgery and massage post-op can be very beneficial.  Massage helps to reduce swelling, reduce congestion of the tissue, and helps with pain.

If you have had cosmetic surgery, call, text, or email me to schedule your consultation.